2020 Online Gambling Affiliate Value Report

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C Costigan
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Our friends over at ThePogg.com have published their annual Online Gambling Affiliate Value Report, breaking down most of the top programs.

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The Average Player Value (APV) looks at how these programs have delivered in 2019, and expect to keep delivering heading into 2020.

How far above or below our site wide average the program is as a percentage and a Reliability figure. The Reliability figure is based on the number of New Depositing Players (NDPs) sent over 2018 and is on a 20 point scale. So a program with a Reliability of 20 will have received approximately 20x more NDPs than a program with a Reliability of 1.

Notable programs based on this data point are as follows can be found here.

ThePogg also ranks on Signup Efficiency, and the all important Sign-up to New Depositing Player (NDP) efficiency.

The later is what the vast majority of online gambling affiliates look for these days as it truly sucks to send hundreds of signups to an online casino or sportsbook only to have less than 5 percent actually deposit.  The end result is Hard Work = Excellent Results = Nothing to Show for It.

ThePogg notes: "This stat is likely to correlate strongly with how strong/effective the operator’s follow-up process after a player registers to encourage depositing is. These processes can range from nothing to onsite pop-up CTAs to Live Chat contacts or even email/sms/phone contacts from customer support reps. The more effective the strategies the operator puts in place to convert registrations into deposits the lower this figure should be."

Notable programs based on this data point are as follows:

    AllBritish Affiliates – High Reliability score with an above average sign-up to depositing player conversion.
    Casino Luck Affilitates – High Reliability figure with a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is above average.
    Genesis Affiliates – High Reliability figure with a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is above average.
    Full Cream Affilitates – Reasonable Reliability figure with a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is above average.
    Ivy Affiliates – Reliability score is slightly low, conversion rate is significantly above average.
    Yeti Affiliates – Reasonable Reliability figure with a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is fractionally above average.
    White Hat Gaming – High Reliability figure with and a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is fractionally above average.
    L&L Europe – An extremely high Reliability for this data point and a conversion rate that’s fractionally below average.
    WagerJoint – A high Reliability score and a sign-up to depositing player conversion rate below site average.
    Trada Affiliates – Extremely high Reliability figure with a sign-up to depositing player ratio that is slightly below average.
    Fruity Affiliates – A reasonable Reliability score with a slightly below average sign-up to deposit conversion.
    MT SecureTrade – A reasonable Reliability score and a below average conversion rate.

They conclude with the Overall Conversion Efficiency score for various programs.

“This stat combines both the previous stats giving an overview of how effectively the operator’s converting clicks to deposits. While the previous two stats are likely more valuable to affiliate programs to help them identify where improvements can be made, this stat is likely to be more useful for affiliates to identify which programs are most effectively using the traffic that has been sent.”


And the winners are….

L&L Europe – The stand out performance over 2017-19 is unquestionably L&L Europe. This platform has performed at average or above (mostly above average) in each of the 5 performance criteria – something that no other group has managed and given that across the board the data sets for this group were the largest of any program reviewed in this report it can be safely concluded that this is the result we have most confidence in. When we also take into consideration that amalgamated results across licenses generally suffer a APV/Click Value depression due to not having improved deals with all properties on the license (and we do not have improved deals with the majority of programs on this license) that this license performed so well in all categories becomes even more impressive. L&L Europe clearly know what they are doing when it comes to converting traffic.

AllBritish Affiliates – Unsurprisingly given the above result for the L&L Europe platform, the first casino program entry is one of their properties. AllBritish Affiliates have delivered an average APV over the two years, but have performed at an above average level in converting clicks to depositing players and as such their Click Value is notably above our site average. That makes a clear statement that this program is delivering more players for the traffic that we send them than their competitors The effect of this is that we may only be getting an average player value for each player individually, but we’re getting more players than average for the number of clicks we send and therefore more money per click. AllBritish Affiliates now qualify for our Top Value Partner 2017-19 badge.


Fruity Affiliates – It has to be acknowledged that in 2019 we did not send enough traffic to this program that we would be comfortable drawing conclusions about their performance on this year’s data alone. However, when amalgamated with the two previous years we do have a large enough sample size to be comfortable. Fruity Affiliates are delivering a player value that is above average and their click to sign-up conversion is impressive. Their sign-ups to NDPs was a little lower than average, but this was not significant enough to stop them beating out the competition on Click Value Fruity Affiliates now qualify for our Top Value Partner 2017-19 badge.

Trada Affiliates – Over three year period covered by this report Trada Affiliates have amassed a data-set that we’re very confident in – with larger figures than most of the amalgamated platforms – and in four of five categories are returning at levels that are significantly better than the average for the site. Their conversion from sign-up to depositing players is slightly below average over the three year data set, so despite delivering fantastic value their is still room for this program to improve further. All in all, Trada are by far the strongest program we work with. Trada Affiliates now qualify for our Top Value Partner 2017-19 badge.

WagerJoint Affiliates – Over three years now Wagerjoint Affiliates have delivered amongst the best Average Player Value we’ve seen and are performing well at converting clicks to sign-ups. Their conversion from sign-up to depositing players is below average over the three year data set, so despite the thumpingly good result there is still some low hanging fruit for this program to develop further. WagerJoint Affiliates now qualify for our Top Value Partner 2017-19 badge.

Now on to some areas that could be improved by various operators:

MT SecureTrade – We will set aside the APV stat (given the amalgamation of programs, the majority of which we will not have bespoke deals with, platforms as a whole are generally disadvantaged in reaching our site average). Over the three year period the MT SecureTrade properties would appear to be delivering significantly less that average conversion in each of the three performance indicators over a large data set comparatively for this report. We would still suggest that webdesign and the registration process could be improved to deliver better click to deposit efficiency as it appears that players are bleeding away from sites on this platform.


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