5Dimes Under Intense Pressure to Explain Very Bad Bad Beat Cheat

Written by:
Nagesh Rath
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Intense pressure is mounting on 5Dimes to explain why $53K was reportedly confiscated from a player's account after he claims to have won a bad beat jackpot on the company's poker site.


The individual, going by the name of pablo222, first posted his situation on the TwoPlusTwo.com posting forum then on SportsBookReview after being advised that they rate 5Dimes an A+.

The individual, going by the name Pablo222, posted on SportsBookReview.com late Sunday:

After playing and paying rake and fees 5dimes stole 53k from me for no reason.
I signed up on 5Dimes 3 years ago, after a poker friend said he plays there and it was an "ok" site. I did a little research and saw they had high ratings as a sportsbook. Also I was not too concerned as I was playing recreationally.

I was told by customer service that I could play the weekly poker freeroll and was good to go. I took 3rd? in the first one I played. I used those winnings to play real money tables sporadically over the next three years building up my bankroll to about 800 dollar. I probably paid a couple thousand in rake over that period. Last Friday I was playing a NL25 badbeat jackpot table, and the unthinkable happened. My quad eights were rivered by a straight flush. I was in shock as I am a working stiff and this is more money than I make in a year. After the win all I thought about was paying off ************ and paying down a good chunk of our mortgage.

For 5 days there was no issue. And then I got home from working overtime on New Years Day to find the funds confiscated. They tried to say that it was because I did not deposit. I specifically asked about this when signing up and carefully read the terms of service. They did not argue that I could not play free rolls, but switched to line in the TOS that I could not take advantage of the site. I did not even play many freerolls after that because it is after my bedtime, and I had built a bankroll on cash tables.

Do not play this site because I have now dug deeper and am finding out that they like to confiscate funds when someone wins a lot of money. I have paid at least a few thousand in rake and played only a handful of freerolls.

Let me state that I have never done anything against the terms of service, nor have they said I have. (besides taking advantage of them by playing a free roll they told me I could play!) They let me continue to play for three years.

Following his post, members of the SBR community were quick to chime in, most offering support for the player.

relaaxx writes:

sounds real bad for 5dimes. kind of hoping there is more to this. 5dimes is my go to here from the US. always said they were the best US book. now they are stealing money, changing rules to support the stealing, if true.

mpaschal34 writes:

Read some of your stuff from CS on the other forum. Sound like 5Dimes took advantage af you. Probably rigged it so they don’t have to pay out the Bad Beat and can keep it for themselves.

Sure there will be some small text in the rules about your account that will screw you.

So did they put the $53K back into the Bad Beat Jackpot?

Another member of that community noted that the jackpot was now showing it had reached $93K.

The affected player now claims that 5Dimes changed wording on its policy after he took to the message boards to complain.

5Dimes owner, Sean "Tony" Creighton remains missing and presumed dead following a reported kidnapping back in September.  Some have speculate that Creighton planned his own disappearance after a U.S. Justice fraud probe of 5Dimes involving gift cards over two years ago.

- Nagesh Rath, Gambling911.com
