Bookmaking Services for Pay Per Head

Written by:
C Costigan
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Find a Pay per head bookmaking service that will jumpstart your sports wagering business. Now is the time to make the most out of what is happening in the world and find a new lease on life. Many have the idea that gamblers are not gambling, this is a misnomer a HUGE misnomer. Gamblers are gambling now more than ever and much more in the casino than before the “shutdown”. If you want to start earning big, then you must open an online casino and you can do it for free! Stop screwing around and start taking advantage of all the players that are sitting at home bored and wanting a great place to play. You have always wanted to go online, now you can do so for free and there is no catch and no obligation. 

Why a PPH, Why Now?

· The pay per head industry has been around for more than 20-years and they have gained strength over the last couple of years as the only way to get online quickly and affordably. Every bookie should be online for one reason; all of their clients are online. Somewhere, your clients are doing business with an online bookmaker. You may think they are loyal to your cause, and they probably are. The problem for you, you are not open 24/7. You are not available every time they want to call in a bet or stop by with a deposit.

· The PPH eliminates all of the hassles and they open doors that you never thought possible. You must have loyal clients and right now you need them more than ever. CV-19 has shut down the entire world, however, gamblers are still gambling. Not much will stop gamblers and it doesn’t matter what there is to gamble on. There may not be sports in the sportsbook but there are slots in the casino and a plethora of table games.

· The PPH will set you up with a turnkey betting operation. You do absolutely nothing. The PPH is the sportsbook and it’s all under the blanket of software. You will have access to a desktop and mobile app. You do not need the ability to site build, program, code or any fancy IT skills. All you need to do is understand how to point and click and turn on a computer every day. The PPH is this easy. They make life simple, efficient, affordable, and easy.

· The daily tasks of a bookie are extensive, and most people have no idea of what all is involved. You must set the daily events, the daily lines, and odds, you must make deposit arrangements for your clients and you must be available by phone to accept wagers. You must also grade every wager at the end of the event and make the appropriate adjustments to your player's bill/account.

· All you need to do to get online is call the PPH provider. Now is the time. The best ones are offering no fees during the CV-19 as well as offering a completely free trial. Should you have players with another PPH and want to make the change to a group that will help you earn more profit and keep your clients loyal – then do so now with free integration.

· You may have three clients, or you may have 300. What’s important is that you get them online.

Open a Casino for Free—

· The PPH is offering an online casino, sportsbook, and racebook for free of charge. The PPH custom-builds your site and they calibrate the casino for you. Casino players have picked it up this past month., they are at home, they are bored and there are no sports to bet on. The casino will always earn you a living! The sportsbook may fail you from time to time based on the fact that players are smarter than ever before. They can not outsmart the casino.

Call the PPH today and start earning what you are worth. Turn 2020 into something positive in your life. The gambling industry will never die and no matter what comes down the pike, gamblers want to gamble. Be there for them, call the PPH and start for free.

More pay per head tips:

  1. Reliability in Our Pay Per Head Services
  2. Per Head Sportsbook
  3. Per Head Racebook
  4. Per Head Casino
  5. Find more about our PPH Sportsbook

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