NFL Playoff Pick'em - Create Pool

Written by:
Don Shapiro
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NFL Playoff Pick'em Contests are quite popular.  Now you can create your own pool with the Joe Montana-backed

NFL Playoff Pick'em

Pick round by round the team(s) that you believe will win based on how your pool manager determines a win (straight up, against the spread, confidence points, custom scoring). For each correct pick, players are awarded points. The player with the most points at the end of the playoffs wins.

Managers have the option to customize their pool in 20+ ways.

Admin fee: $1 per entry

NFL Playoff Survivor

The rules of a Survivor Pool are simple, but staying alive is surprisingly hard. Players in the Survivor Pool need to pick strategically. For example, picking the Patriots to beat the Dolphins may be a no-brainer, but think again. Is it wise to use up the Patriots for that week? Selecting the Patriots means that you’ll no longer be able to use them going forward --so choose wisely. Unlike other sites, players on Balto will not be able to pick the same team each week through their software. These picks will be transparent to other players within the leaderboard.

Pick one team before each round that you believe will win. Typically, a team can only be used once. If your selection wins, you move on to the next round, if your pick loses, you’re out. Last person standing wins.

Managers have the option to customize their pool in 20+ ways.

Managers have the option to customize their pool in 20+ ways.

Admin fee: $1 per entry’s pool hosting price is based on the number of entries in your NFL Survivor Pool. The cost is $1 per entry and it’s your one-time fee for the entire season for that given pool. The manager will be charged after the first week has ended.


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- Don Shapiro,

Football News News
