Per Head Service 24 Hour a Day

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A per head service is a service that allows people to use their software in order to become a bookie and take action on sports.

Being a bookie is often thought of by comparing it to gangster movies, however, bookmaking is a serious multi-billion dollar industry that uses quantum physic algorithm formulas with massive amounts of money on the line.

These per head services offer a fully inclusive product that comes with a website, betting lines on thousands of sports that are updated up to the second, grading of all games as soon as the game ends, in play live betting, a virtual casino, horse racing, and more. In addition, these services offer a mobile formatted website that can be used specifically on a smartphone, since that is by far the most popular way to make a wager nowadays. Gone are the days where people call up and make wagers over a phone call.

One very popular per head service is Ace Per Head and they have some of the sharpest lines in the industry, which helps to make bookies even more money. A line difference of only a half a point could be the difference from booking a winning wager or losing wager, which means that it is very important to go with a company that has sharp lines because in the long run that will add up to more profit for the agent.

In addition also has a 24 hour a day 365 day a year business that never closes, and is there any time to advise you on anything from helping you to grow your business, watch out for potential sharp players playing under you, and set the proper limits for all types of wagers on all or specific players that are betting with a you.

Using a per head service is like having a professional assistant that does all the work for you and has the experience in the industry to help a bookie with any question or betting rule that you may need help with. The service takes care of all the hard work and allows the bookie a lot more free time to instead spend on just acquiring new players. So basically you get the players and then the service will make you the money by providing a ton of betting options to choose from each day and with lines that are super sharp and extremely difficult to win on over the long term for players.

So if you are interested in setting up an account with a per head service so you can be a bookie, give a call now at 1-800-909-5193 because they have numerous different sign up promotions that you can take advantages such as up to 6 free weeks, a 50% discount price for 5 weeks, a free customized website, or a cryptocurrency deposit match promo.

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