PokerStars Virtual Reality - The Future Of Online Poker?

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PokerStars provided a glimpse of its new virtual reality platform.

Unveiled at the EuroGamer event in Birmingham, UK, the technology places the player in an immersive world where they can sit down at a table, handle their cards and chips, spot their opponents tells, and interact with them in real time from around the globe.

PokerChat predicts VR fans may be drawn into the fray, but probably not actual hardcore poker players.  They think this is likely another passing fad.

PokerStars has a poor record when it comes to attempted innovation.

The company has attempted a number of new innovations this year, all of which died a quick death.  The most recent of which was Unfold Poker, which allowed players to pick up their folded cards from the muck. It lasted barely six weeks.

Showtime Hold’em, where every player had to show their folded cards, didn’t fare much better.

A study by Juniper research claims VR gambling will grow by 500 percent by 2021, reaching a total of $520 in gross bets by that time.  Currently the headsets are too pricey for many players, not to mention a significant percentage of the world population does not have adequate enough bandwidth for proper compatibility.  Without the proper Internet speed, one could end up dealing with motion sickness.

- Ace King,
