Romaine Calm! Vegan of Vegas Business Started by Poker Pro Has BEAN Shut Down

Written by:
Nagesh Rath
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PEAS don't go. 

Sadly poker pro Cyndy Violette has had to shutter her vegan cafe and juice bar after seven great years.

Ms. Violette made the announcement on Friday and thanked the many folks involved over the years.   The official closing date was Wednesday April 20.


They even had singers like the amazing & talented Sarah Shelton once a week.

Violette LETTUCE know how grateful she was to Shelton and everyone else who made Violette's Vegan such an aMAIZEing thriving business.

But enough of the corny vegetable puns. Violette has not detailed the reason for closing down.  Perhaps it was Covid, perhaps the inability to get good help at a fair market value.  Maybe even a combination of both.

Based on the number of comments via her Facebook page, there is little doubt she ran a wondeful establishment over the years and it will certainly be missed.

- Nagesh Rath,
