What is the Role of a Line Manager?
Line managers are unique individuals and they have a unique job. What they do essentially dictates the success or failure of the online sportsbook they represent. In other words; their butts are on the line daily! Ha, we wax comics, however, this is true. A line manager has a tough job and what they do daily affects the bottom line. Successful managers across the globe have discovered they can’t do this alone. Not only do they have a team of highly trained staff members; they also depend on - line-management-software to function successfully. Here is the fun part… You are probably one guy. Are you an experienced line manager, have you ever worked as a line mover or oddsmaker, do you have any experience with lines whatsoever? You probably don’t. What can you do?
· Move your sportsbook online right now. Don’t delay. The best way to get online and the only affordable way is with a pay per head. The pay per head does everything for you, they set the daily lines and odds because they have dedicated staff working 24-hours a day. These “dedicated staff” are highly experienced professionals that have worked for years in the online sportsbook industry or they have worked in Las Vegas sportsbooks.
Why Go Online? Better Yet, Why a Pay Per Head?
· The pay per head industry has made life simple for local bookies that want an online presence. The beauty of this is the fact that you don’t need hundreds of clients, you can open an online sportsbook with one client or with a few thousand.
· The PPH gets you online within a day or two of making the phone call. All you need to do is sit back and let their creators custom-build your online website.
· Your online sportsbook website will look like any other professional-bookmaking website. Do you want to look like the “big boys” of the online world? You can with a PPH.
· The PPH is affordable. It all starts at around $7 per head. You probably don’t want to pay much more than $10 per head and you don’t want to pay just a couple of dollars per head! You get what you pay for in this business, so be sure to read the reviews on pay per heads and make sure you look into some well-known bookie forums.
· Not only does the best PPH sites set all of the daily sporting events for you, but they also set the daily lines and odds, as well as all future odds. Now, remember, this is your sportsbook and what you say goes. You are the boss of this operation and a great PPH will respect this. You can change the odds, cancel the event, move the line or do whatever you feel is right. The PPH is there to guide you and do all of the work for you. They will always respect your right to change odds and move lines. What’s nice, is having a team of professionals that do this job every day, for free.
· The PPH offers the best customer service for you and your clients which includes a 24/7 toll-free number that can be accessed from the United States. Your clients now have the freedom to bet anytime they choose, and you will love this… no more calls at all hours of the night.
· The PPH accepts wagers over the phone or online. You can accept bets for your clients as well, however, should you not be available, the software does this for you. They also guarantee a 99% “uptime”. You will never have to worry that your site may crash before a big event.
Setting lines and odds is a daunting task but you must do this daily and you had better know what you are doing. If you are going this alone and you are simply falling into the trap of following the crowd, this can bankrupt you. Don’t let this happen. Call the PPH today and get moving in the right direction to earn a six-figure income. No matter how big or small your operation is, the PPH will build your online sportsbook today. Call them.