
中國玩家在全世界都在不停增長, 每位代理都想吸引更多中國客戶並為他們提供更全面的中文帳戶租借服務, PayPerHeadAgents.com 能 幫到您。
PayPerHeadAgents.com has been in business since 2005 so you know your players are in good hands with an established PPH.
PayPerHeadAgents.com 成立於2005年, 我們的經驗能讓您的客戶獲得最優質的帳戶租借服。
Not only will PayPerHeadAgents.com players have the ability to place future wagers on the World Series, they will also be able to bet live throughout each of the games. This is something the average bookie is just incapable of doing without the services of a Pay Per Head contract business.
PayPerHeadAgents.com 玩家可以在任何世界賽事投注, 他們亦可於各大賽事進行滾球投注, 這就是帳戶租借服務能提供的服務優勢。
PayPerHeadAgents.com has staff that speaks fluent Chinese.
PayPerHeadAgents.com 同時擁有能說流利中文的員工。