A.J. Cole Breaks Fourth-Round Draft Pick Bonus Record

Written by:
C Costigan
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A.J. Cole


The grandson of magazine publishing mogul Robert Cole, A.J. Cole, has been signed to the Washington Nationals.  The fourth-round draft choice is being signed for $2 million, which would break the record for a fourth-round draft pick, set last year when the Athletics signed catcher Max Stassi to a $1.5 million bonus.

According to the Washington Post, the signings of second-round choice Sammy Solis and Cole will set the stage for the Nationals' showdown with Scott Boras, the representative for first overall choice Bryce Harper. The Nationals have until the clock strikes midnight Monday to sign Harper.

General Manager Mike Rizzo is committed to building a team through solid draft choices. 

A.J.'s grandpa ran the Casino Times News, which had previously employed Gambling911.com founder/publisher Christopher Costigan (as Editor-In-Chief) and Gambling911.com Senior International Correspondent Jenny Woo.

Dan Shapiro, Gambling911.com 

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