Bookie Beat Down April 30: The New York Yankees

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The New York Yankees are a bookie's worst nightmare right now, and it doesn't help matters that they tend to be among the most wagered on teams even in the worst of times, both with daily games and for futures.

The Yankees currently have the 4th best record in Major League Baseball with 18 wins, only behind the Red Sox, Astros and Diamondbacks.

They are the hottest team, having won 9 of their last 10 games overall.

New York area bookies in particular will be the hardest hit and will have a tough time profiting this Major League Baseball season.  This doesn't have to be the case though.

A quality Pay Per Head site like offers loss leaders such as LIVE IN-PLAY WAGERING and online casino games.  These help to improve profit margins or, at the very least, reduce losses.

With a Pay Per Head you are already cutting down on losses by eliminating costly overhead.  The Pay Per Head charges a small fee for each customer (typically several times less than what the customer would typically cost without the use of a Pay Per Head sportsbook software solution). actually starts as low as $7 per head per week.

The Yankees won't be getting any worse this season, so better jump on board fast if you are a bookie or agent.

The only good news this week is that they'll be taking on one of the teams that has a better record, Houston and the home team has won the last nine games in the Yankees/Astros series

- Dan Shapiro,

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