Price Per Head Cleveland Indians

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Sunday July 31, 2016 was a day for the Cleveland Indians to shine, though it seems like this whole summer has been a time for Ohio’s largest city to celebrate with the Cavs winning their first championship in decades.  The city also played host to a successful GOP convention.

Sunday was celebratory in that the Indians announced they had just acquired one of the hottest relief pitchers in the league, Andrew Miller.

Everybody in Cleveland is celebrating……Well, most everybody.

The bookies are NOT.

And with the signing of Miller, locals are feverishly seeking out an established Pay Per Head the likes of to handle all their bookmaking business.

A Pay Per Head runs all aspect of the bookie business with the exception of handling financial transactions.  They charge a small weekly fee per customer (per head), often starting around $10.  In the long run, bookies and agents alike save money while minimizing the headaches involved in running such a business entirely on their own.  

Losses will almost certainly pile up for those bookies serving the Cleveland area over the next year without the service of a Pay Per Head firm (no matter how bad the Browns might be in 2016).

Pay Per Head services the likes of help boost profit margins by offering live in-play betting, numerous proposition and future betting options as well as the option of adding an online casino.

Even the Cleveland bookie has the ability to turn a profit by year’s end.

- Dan Shapiro,

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