Gambling911 .com Interactive

For those of you who don't know, continues to increase its interactivity.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page here where we will be featuring "behind the scenes" updates and important article links. Become a fan today.
For the past several months, has also been on Twitter. You can follow all the latest stories featured on the G911 website (though there is sometimes a time delay). Twitter is a great way to follow us from the office if your workplace blocks websites like ours. Check up on your favorite headlines later in the day or on your mobile. does operate on most of the new mobile phones and we are constantly testing.
This week, is thrilled to announce its new Interactive Comments Feedback Section. You can now find all the latest reader feedback to articles on this single page. Click on the links to view the actual article being discussed and check out responses.'s Comments section right now is one of the hottest features on our website. We actually have people refreshing the website every half hour to keep up with these comments.
Payton O'Brien, Senior Editor