Marketing: A Glimpse at Readership Demographics April 9 routinely pulls up random samplings of traffic stats to get a better feel for who is reading the site and what they are searching for. G911 covers the entire gamut of gambling, everything from odds on sports events to poker tournaments to the latest casino games to casino stocks to entertainment and political wagering odds. This traffic sampling covers the early evening hours of Tuesday April 9, 2013 (US Eastern Standard Time).
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Last night there was a period of a few hours where approximately 85 percent of the search queries and readership related to the 2013 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. This is very typical of the period leading up to major sporting events. Keep in mind that this particular sampling (of 100) was taken over a much shorter time period and should be considered supplemental traffic that is not necessarily characteristic of an average day or evening readership.
Tuesday evening’s sampling was more representative of a typical night’s readership demographics breakdown at G911.
Earlier in the day the site got slammed by traffic coming in from Reddit to our piece on the potential Bitcoin Bubble. By Tuesday night that article was seeing approximately 9 percent of the overall traffic. Ultimately this article received 6 percent of Tuesday’s overall readership but was not the most read gambling-related piece as that honor belonged to the article on Ray Bitar’s guilty plea and heart condition (seeing 7 percent of the overall traffic).
The Masters searches and readership accounted for approximately 6 percent of our readership numbers Tuesday night with those numbers expected to increase on Wednesday.
News of Full Tilt Poker former CEO Raymond Bitar’s guilty plea and a couple found dead in the Revel Hotel in Atlantic City was especially appealing to the G911 audience.
The percentages below are based on a sampling of 100 people, however, some of these readers visited articles that crossed various sectors (i.e. poker and gambling or poker and sports), in which case that reader may be counted more than once across different categories. We also break down in subcategories where applicable.
Gambling Related (General including poker and sports betting) – 92 percent overall
Segments Breakdown:
Sports Betting – 20 percent
Sports Betting – on The Masters – 7 percent
Poker – 22 percent
Gambling News Related (excluding sports events wagering) – 48 percent
Gambling News – Bitcoin – 9 percent
Other – 8 percent
Direct Bookmark – 7 percent
- Payton O’Brien,