2008 Miss World Betting Heats Up With Miss Ukraine Favored

With the 2008 Miss World competition just days away, betting on this popular event will increase throughout the week. The 2008 Miss World pageant takes place Saturday December 13 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. Originally, the pageant was going to take place in Kiev, Ukraine, but because of the ongoing crisis between Georgia and Russia in neighboring South Ossetia, the Miss World Organization decided to move the pageant away from Eastern Europe.
The fact that the Miss World pageant is no longer taking place in the Ukraine hasn't changed the "favorite" status of its representative, Miss Iryna Zhuravska.
"Her odds to become Miss World 2008 were at 6-1," Gambling911.com Senior Editor Payton O'Brien pointed out. "She's a weather woman."
The favorites at BetUS.com were Miss Ukraine, Miss Spain (+600 odds also), Miss Ecuador (+1000 odds) and Miss Mexico, whose odds have been slashed to single digits to +600.
We asked Payton O'Brien: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one item would you not be without? She responded - "Water". That same question was asked of Miss Ukraine, who got the answer correct. She said "Anti mosquito cream".
Zhuravska has even one-upped Gambling911.com's own Cuban transgender reporter and beauty in his/her own right, Sparky Collins. Collins, who fled Cuba by inner tube 90 miles in shark infested waters, could have had a babe on board instead of three other hairy Cubans who can't swim. It turns out that Miss Ukraine has swam the open sea with sharks.
Miss Zhuravska's favorite musical group is ABBA.
Remember, you can bet all your 2008 Miss World contestants at BetUS.com
Jordan Bach, Gambling911.com