Bed Bugs: You Can Now Bet On Them

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C Costigan
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Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier, the oldest established online sports betting site,, has just posted odds on …. drum roll please …. bed bugs. features an article on the novelty bed bug bet. has released odds on the next New York City bed bug outbreak.

The fine-dining establishment Aureole and City Hall were among the favorites.

The news comes one day after shock jock Howard Stern announced his office had been infested with the tiny creatures.  They were also detected in his limousine. 

"Supposedly we're 100 percent bedbug-free. The only place in New York City that probably is 100 percent bedbug-free . . . (But) I'm scratching every minute . . . You know how paranoid I am about bedbugs. I just wish our contract (with this office space) was done and we could get out of here," he says.

Jordan Bach,

Entertainment News
