The Best of Gambling 911: Jenny Falls for a Super Hero

Now celebrating 10 great years, takes a look back at some of its star reporters greatest loves. There was Marc "Gorby" Blandford, the founder of who Woo once requested as a birthday wish that "Peter Dicks (another Sportingbet board member) and Mark Blandford *** me up *** ***** me and **** *****."
Woo has long had a crush on Blandford, who she (and everybody else for that matter) believes bares a strong resemblance to former Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
To many Blandford may be a super hero but for a fleeting moment, Woo fell head over heels for a "real" one.
Who can forget the super sex blue man of heavily fortified steel?
We are talking, not of Superman, but of one time mascot, Halfman.
What the heck ever happened to him?

"If someone told me a year ago I'd fall head over heals in love with some stupid cartoon character, I would have told them they were nuts. But I am nuts and there is something about this super freak that gets me all hot and bothered. Maybe it's his height - 7'5 without shoes. Maybe it's that big head. Maybe it's his shoe size! Yowza! If I were to change anything about Halfman, it would be that big protruding chin (bigger than Jay Leno's). Sheesh, it's bigger than both my breasts put together. I think this could be a sick fetish of mine though so just ignore me."
It didn't last very long, like most of Woo's relationships.