Gambling Websites Prepare for American Idol Finale

Following Tuesday's performance show of American Idol and judge Simon Cowell's declaration that if Adam Lambert is not in the Finale "It will be the biggest upset ever", online gambling websites were set to offer odds on next week's finale.
"It's always a major traffic draw here at," said Payton O'Brien, Senior Editor of the site. "And there will be plenty of betting throughout the day."
But don't expect Lambert to be a huge favorite.
"Lambert has such an ‘edge' we have never seen on Idol that it's going to be tough winning over that core crowd that's made the show such an enormous success over the years," O'Brien points out. "We are not convinced that those betting on Danny Gokey and Kris Allen are going to jump on the Adam Lambert bandwagon should one of these guys get eliminated. If you have liked Gokey throughout the season, it makes more sense to vote for Allen and vice versa since their styles are more similar in the whole scheme of things."
Both Gokey and Allen represent the "purity" of Idol over the years. Lambert takes the show to another level, a level Middle America and the Deep South might not necessarily be prepared to embrace.
To find American Idol betting odds, please visit here - Most of's sponsors will be offering betting on the American Idol finale.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher