Honey, I Once Bared My Boobs As a Nun

George Clooney has long dumped online gambling model Sarah Larson for a new model and this one might prove even more shocking.
Elizabeth Canalis is her name and she reportedly bared her breasts in a raunchy film. She played the part of a nun in the film "Virgin Territory", The Sun claims. The film's plot involved young Florentines regaling one another in the Italian countryside while the black plague decimates their city. Ms. Canalis starred as Sister Gabriella.
One viewer described the movie as "an insulting, adolescent tale of debauchery disguised as a period piece that plays more like a low budget '60's soft core film than anything else."
Clooney met Italy's MTV Total Request Live hostess while in Rome. She has also appeared in Maxim Russia.
His previous girlfriend, Ms. Larson, regularly appeared at rowdy sexed up Internet gambling event parties, often representing the website Nine.com.
Jordan Bach, Gambling911.com