Survivor Tocantins Odds: Will Utahn Win It?

Survivor Tocantins took a break last week thanks to CBS's March Madness coverage, and played the dreaded 'video clip' show. However, tonights episode is promising, as a fake immunity idol comes into play and the game in thrown into chaos yet again.
Some Survivor afficinados agree. From Deseret Utah TV Blog, " Taj creates a fake immunity idol, and another hopeful is voted out. I'm not pretending to have any inside information — and, with 11 hopefuls left, it's too early to make predictions — but I'm really beginning to think that Utahn Tyson Apostol has a chance win this thing." Payton O'Brien, a Survivor fan, also agrees. "Utahn is very smart. He knows how to lay low and control people at the same time. He also has the physical stamina to outlast the others, from being a professional cyclist. This may be the easiest pick in a long time"
In an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, Utahn states, “…The thing with ‘Survivor , is the people who are really strong in just one aspect of the game are not the ones who are successful. You need a well-rounded individual.”
Utahn has also had plenty of training in extreme conditions. He credits his two-year LDS mission in the Philippines for helping him adapt to places far from home, including that country’s extreme heat.
In other Survivor news, former winner Richard Hatch filed a new request on Tuesday, March 24th in U.S. District Court in Providence, RI to be set free from federal prison immediately on grounds that he is innocent and was represented by “ineffective” lawyers. Hatch is representing himself and is in the midst of a four-year, three-month sentence in West Virginia for tax evasion on the $1 million grand prize he received as winner of Survivor: Borneo.