X Factor, Virgin Media Caught Up In Betting Scam

The Daily Star on Friday is reporting that The X Factor television show is being rocked by a betting scam following an investigation by the Gambling Commission into a gambling ring within the confines of Virgin Media.
According to reports, the staff used insider information to win thousands of dollars on the public vote for X Factor stars, including winner Matt Cardle.
Betfair, the world’s largest wagering exchange, tipped off the Gambling Commission.
The Daily Star noted that internal inspection uncovered a syndicate that was misusing access to Virgin’s data on voting patterns.
Staff members could essentially see who Virgin members were voting for. As a result, these employees would bet on the X Factor contestant most likely to be eliminated.
More than £16,000 of bets placed on the show have been void and the three involved have been sacked, according to the paper.
The commission’s director of regulation, Nick Tofiluk said: “We are satisfied that the bets placed were substantially unfair as the individuals involved had inside information.
“We have worked closely with all the bodies involved to ensure that those individuals do not profit and appropriate action has been taken to prevent a recurrence of such activity in the future.”
- Jordan Bach, Gambling911.com
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