World Cup Predicted to Set TV Records as Marketers Gear Up

The World Cup, the greatest single sport competition in international athletics, has the world riveted, and marketers are working overtime to get noticed on the world stage.
They are considering markets, preparing messages, and doing all they can to connect with as many demographics, in as many ways, as they can. They understand this opportunity is both incredible… and VERY limited. But what about you? Are you leveraging your PR and marketing efforts to take full advantage of your “once in a lifetime opportunities?” Ronn Torossian offers 3 suggestions to help you answer a resounding “YES!”
#1 – Know your market
Everyone wants as many customers as possible, but a successful brand understands how to discover and connect with its ideal market. Here’s a hint – it may not be who you think it is. Far too often, businesses assume they know who will want what they have to offer, or they try to tailor their product or service to a market based on what they think will work. This is a losing strategy. Truly understanding your market takes ongoing study and application…knowing that, just when you have them pegged, they may change on you. Marketing is nothing, if it isn’t fluid.
#2 – Choose the right tool
You can catch a fish with a pitchfork, but it’s much easier to use a net. The lesson? Just doing “what works” may not be the best strategy. A smart PR professional will keep all the weapons in their message arsenal sharp, well-oiled, and ready for action. Because you never know when you might need just the right tool for the job.
#3 – Tailor the best message
Every business should have one overarching meta message, and then several unique marketing messages for their individual market segments or product lines. If you are going into a situation with a new or different prospect, don’t drag out some retread message. Tailor your approach for every customer to help them accomplish their goals.
In each case, you may not know exactly when you will need these messages in these formats. A smart marketer will plan ahead and have them ready to go, and a PR professional will always be ready with a message that works in any circumstance.
You never know when your next marketing or PR piece will be your only chance to reach a particular market in a particular way. Take these tips into consideration in order to maximize your impact.