Brett Favre Sexting Conspiracies Exposed

It hasn’t helped Brett Favre’s case in the whole Sex Text drama that he’s refused to take a definitive stance about it. Personally, I’ve taken a stance not to write any official columns about it until a verdict has been rendered but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth talking about to some degree, because eventually it’s going to have a big impact on Favre and the Minnesota Vikings. Here’s what Kenyon Rasheed and his friends at the barber shop have to say about the whole ordeal in this week’s Inside The Lines Blast.
Kenyon Rasheed throws down the hammer with my favorite question in this whole deal: why did it take two years for this to come in to play? As the boys in the barber shop (it makes sense if you watch the damn video) pontificate, you have to question just who released the tape.
As it stands right now, you have to guess that the New York Jets did it to distract Brett Favre from focusing on the Jets like he was supposed to leading up to Week 5 betting.
So who leaked the tape? Was Favre actually stupid enough to text Jen Sterger pictures of his dong? When the hell did he learn how to use a dying website like If he knows how to use it, then why hasn’t he acknowledged any of my damn friend requests? Why would he do this when his wife was trying to beat cancer? Has he been doing this his entire career, and if so, where are those text messages and voicemails? Is the guy who faked these voicemails hiding out with the people who “really” killed O.J. Simpson’s wife?
People have asked me my opinion and it’s simply this: I don’t care. I take the same stance with Favre as I do with Michael Jackson and his crazy pedophilia accusations. All I ask from No.4 is that he play football every Sunday. Anything beyond that is not my place.
Sure, there’s a time and place where I expect athletes to be great role models and not just good ones. Charity work and a pristine public image aren’t exactly a ton to ask for if fans are paying a guy $20 million to sling a ball around a grassy field.
Right now, I want Brett Favre to keep throwing footballs because he’s fun to watch, and agonizing to bet on (which is also kind of fun). Ask me about his personal life, and I could care less. Seriously. I mean that.
It’s interesting to a certain point, but I don’t want my dirty laundry hanging out in public (and if you’re reading this and you also happen to be my girlfriend, then I do not have any dirty laundry) for everyone to see. And if you’re betting on football, the only reason you’re interested in these types of shenanigans it to see how they affect the NFL betting lines.
Still I love what the Kenyon Rasheed and his boys have to say on the matter, because we all have to admit it – like it or hate it, we’ve all talked about Brett Favre’s penis in the past couple weeks.
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