Super Bowl 51: How To Protect Your Bottom Line

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Protecting your bottom line is crucial during Super Bowl 51. The NFL Championship game is year in and year out the most bet upon event, sporting or otherwise, of the year.


Super Bowl 51 should be no different. See below for three important tools that online bookies can use to protect their bottom lines.


Set Max Betting Limits


The easiest way to set max betting limits on all a per head agent’s players is to utilize the mass editing tool.


This should be done on all Super Bowl betting prop wagers. Prop wagers can get both players and agents in trouble.


Paying out on a huge Super Bowl prop win bet could ruin some agents while putting other agents in the red.


Always set max betting limits per your personal payout threshold. Don’t set max betting limits based on what someone else does.


Use the Schedule Limit Override Tool


Use the schedule limit override tool on prop bets. Once a per head agent has set max betting limits, it only makes sense for that agent to schedule a limit override tool on prop bets that are likely to be skewed towards a specific outcome.


For example, if word leaks that New England QB Tom Brady has a sore thumb, players could pound Atlanta QB Matt Ryan for Super Bowl MVP.


Strategically setting a schedule limit override on Super Bowl MVP until odds have updated can be a great way to protect the bottom line.


Only Layoff if Necessary


Utilizing the PayPerHead layoff account can be the best way to cut potential losses and to protect the bottom line. But, the layoff account can also be misused.


Only utilize the layoff account on Super Bowl 51 when it’s necessary. If too many dollars are placed on either one of the teams, use the layoff account to balance some of the betting.


That’s the only reason to use the layoff account.

There are many tools available on that online bookie agents can utilize to manage betting on Super Bowl 51. Manage betting leads to protecting the bottom line.

For a limited time only, sign up for and upgrade to premium FREE. Unlock all the tools, and always have the ability to protect your bottom line.


Call a per head rep at 888-978-0288 with questions. PPH reps are also available via chat.

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