Tiger Woods, Roger Federer Management Sued Over Gambling

The company that manages both Tiger Woods and Roger Federer has been sued over allegations that the owner of the company bet millions of dollars on sporting events and utilized “insider” information to bet on a Federer tennis match against his own client, Tiger Woods. Manager Theodore Forstmann is specifically named.
From TMZ.com:
According to the suit, filed in L.A. County Superior Court and obtained by TMZ, Agate Printing, Inc. claims it made millions of dollars in bets on Forstmann's behalf, and that Forstmann covered some of his losses on IMG accounts.
The suit claims Forstmann actually bet against some of his own clients -- in particular Tiger Woods. In one case Forstmann allegedly bet against Tiger when he was competing against Vijay Singh, a "so-called close personal friend" of Forstmann and client of IMG at the time.
The suit alleges Forstmann loathed Tiger, often referring to him and other African Americans as "schwartzas" -- and allegedly making other derogatory comments about "blacks, Jewish people, and other minorities." The suit alleges Forstmann also criticized Woods' lifestyle decisions.
The most damning portion of the lawsuit alleges that Roger Federer provided Forstmann with “insider information” in regard to a match Federer would be playing in. Forstmann even raised his bet from $10,000 to $40,000 after receiving the said information according to the suit.
Agate’s lawsuit is related to “breach of contract” – Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com