2008 Miss Universe Fuglies: Jenny Woo's Top 10

The other day our beloved Jenny Woo and - someone we believe should certainly be crowned Miss Universe - provided us with her Top 10 2008 Miss Universe Favorites. Today she engages in the most daunting of tasks....and the most heart breaking - selection of the 10 fugliest 2008 Miss Universe contestants.
Okay, let's be real - these are the hottest girls in their respective country so essentially Jenny's selection consists of girls who - well - just aren't as hot as the others...even if they are hotter than 99 percent of the rest of the population. So don't cry girls.
And guess what - the reigning Miss Universe - Miss Japan - came close to making the Top 10 Fugly List of online oddsmakers. Her win was one of the biggest upsets the gambling world has ever witnessed. Hence, this year's Miss Universe betting is already shattering records.
At Number 10 - Bahamas, Sacha Scott, 19, 5¹5 (pictured below left in green)
First of all, Jenny would have never guessed that this one is from the Bahamas. She has a cute face, but I wouldn¹t look twice at anything else. SBG Global had her at +6600 odds or 66 to 1
At Number 9 - Cyprus, Dimitra Sergiou, 23, 5¹11
This contestant likes to play the piano and to dance. She attended a professional school of dance in Athens, Greece. She also trained in gymnastics for 15 years. There was nothing that Jenny found interesting about her. Her appearance is dull and very forgetful. SBG Global agrees, giving her 90 to 1 long odds.
At Number 7 - Mauritius, Olivia Carey, 19. 5¹7
First of all, can anyone tell Jenny where the f@#k Mauritius is? When asked, you are what you eat were true, I would be a ___. She responded, ³FAT, really really fat. Because I like to eat really really much and not
good stuff.² A quirk she has today is that she still sleeps with her blanky. She's not that big an underdog: 45 to 1 (+4500).
At Number 8 - Montenegro, Dasa Zivkovic, 19, 5¹10
This one has a brain with her career interest being in psychology. However, she¹s very boring. She sounded like Charlie Brown¹s teacher when listening to her interview video. "I'm enjoining reading the scientific books, especially in parapsychology. This science is so interesting because it is the study of abnormal phenomenon from non-explored aspects of the human brain." One of her proudest personal accomplishments is that she won first prize in a state recitation competition when she was 8 yrs old. Whoopie! Another 45 to 1 long shot.
Now for my top 5. At number 6 - Slovenia, Anamarija Avbelj, 20, 5¹10
This music lover plays transverse flute (whatever the hell that is) and a little bit of upright piano (I'm sure she does the upright on the flute too). She also sings in a choir. "I am proud that I have successfully graduated from high school and that I have passed my driving license on the first try." Woohoo for you!! I would hope that you¹re a high school graduate. I seriously doubt that Miss Universe would reward you for being a high school drop out. She's at 66 to 1 odds. I can understand why.
At Number 7 - Cayman Islands, Rebecca Parchment, 26, 5¹10
I know, I know.she¹s a pretty girl in her pics. Trust me this wasn¹t easy, but you haven¹t seen her video. She looks like she¹s been out in the sun too long. Yeah, she lives on an island, but there¹s a limit on how much sun one person should endure in their life. One item she can¹t live without in her wardrobe is her bathing suit. In fact, she leaves one in her car at all times. Jenny would suggest that Miss Cayman Islands leave that bathing suit at home once in a while and start using self-tanning bronzer. She'll be looking 60 before she turns 30. I guess the oddsmakers watched the video too. She had 80 to 1 odds. OUCH!!!!
Number 4 - Estonia, Julia Kovaljova, 22, 5¹10 (pictured right)
She has a hairless sphinx cat. Need I say more. 66 to 1 odds.
Number 5 - Kazakhstan, Alfina Nassyrova, 20, 5¹7
Jenny thinks Miss Kazakhstan is a looker. However, she seemed too rehearsed and shallow in her video interview. Just my opinion! Still she does have 25 to 1 odds at SBG Global
Number 2 - Singapore, Shenise Wong, 26, 5¹8
Here¹s another one that was a bit difficult for Jenny. Miss Singapore is pretty and would be considered a keeper. I don¹t know what it is, but she just rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry Miss Singapore. Home Economics is her favorite subject and she has an extensive collection of MP3 songs. However, she¹s a little anal when it comes to organizing them. She will spend hours putting every song in a play list that suits her. My ADT is kicking in! Singapore is at 66 to 1 odds.
Number 1 - Poland, Barbara Tatara, 24, 5¹9
Some of Miss Poland¹s interests include the study of languages, traveling and shopping. She seems like a nice girl, but she was just too boring for Jenny¹s taste. And sorry to say Miss Poland - Someone had to be in the number one position. You had 66 to 1 odds though so don't feel so bad.
Miss Sri Lank and Miss Tanzania had the longest odds at 80 to 1 and 90 to 1, respectively.