UltimateBet Aruba Poker Classic Winner Matt Brady Goes on Shopping Spree

Having just won a cool $1 million at this year's Ultimate Bet Aruba Poker Classic (see UltimateBet website for more), Matt Brady has gone MIA. Basically, he's off vacationing and spending his hard earned winnings.
Gambling911.com's own Jenny Woo has been on Brady's trail but thus far unable to keep up with the latest UltimateBet poker millionaire.
The Havertown, PA poker player had already amassed nearly $800,000 in lifetime live tournament winnings prior to the Aruba tournament. Brady is a graduate of West Virginia University.
"I've spoken to a few of his buddies back home to get some glimpse into Brady's new millionaire lifestyle over the past week," Woo said. "Oh yeah, Brady's got a few more buddies that have suddenly showed up out of the woodwork.....literally, I might add.
Brady was last seen considering the purchase of a legendary BIGFOOT 4x4 (I‘m half Korean and half Redneck so I can relate), but like most of us Americans (even the new millionaires) we're not exactly going to throw the whole $200,000 down in one foul swoop. It's difficult enough now trying to get an auto loan, try explaining that your earnings are derived from winning poker and see how....err....fast you get approved.
A close friend of Brady's - and perhaps one that had a few too many beers and smokes - pointed us to a nearby store that sells apparel.
Giorgio Armani, Brioni, Canali?
Try Cami!
....as in BBQ scratch 'n sniff pink cami and hot shorts.
"I just saw him at the rack observing, that about it," observed neighbor and - supposedly new close friend - Billy Bob.
BBQ scratch 'n sniff pink cami and hot shorts actually smell like a freshly fired up grill. The cami reads "Every girl loves a man who can grill." Made of 95% Cotton and 5% Spandex. Also available in freshly cut grass and handyman scents. That should read "lawn".
If I ever became a millionaire there are a few people I would still hold dear to my heart: My dad, my younger brother, my beloved friend Tommy whose favorite phrase is "has the (bank) wire arrived yet?", my beloved female friend Carrie, my boss, Sparky and Rebecca from CasinoCity.com.
But nobody shows more conditional love towards me than my baby, Lexy. Yes, that would be pitbull Lexy, who has been refused entry into every kettle in Miami Beach (or as we call them here, "away spas"). Lexy would not be left out of my millions.
Brady loves his dog too....and we hear he celebrated with a nice cold one. Brady and his dog that is.
Non-alcoholic and non-carbonated, Happy Tail Ale is the ultimate liquid refreshment for your dog. Sure, there are lots of ways you show your dog you love him: Taking him for a walk, giving him a belly rub, tossing him a few treats, dressing him or her in Gambling911.com apparel...but how about a beer? $19.99 per 12-pack at Beer for Dogs
"He (Brady) applied for his pilot's license!" Bubba shouted to us from his porch.
Oh my God! Matt Brady is buying himself a private jet with the money he won from the UltimateBet Aruba Classic Tournament. Now we're talking!
Oh wait!
It seems Brady's been shopping for....
The Redneck Flying Lawnmower. Oh yeah, a million dollars would probably be enough to get you just the engine for a private jet nowadays.
Have no fear...
With this flying lawn mower Brady will be the envy of every redneck who only has a riding mower. Its maneuvers through the clouds are like redneck poetry in motion.
Go here if you can't watch this video
551 entrants were recorded at the 2008 UltimateBet Aruba Poker Classic.
Jenny Woo, Gambling911.com Senior Correspondent