75 Percent of Visa Credit Cards Not Working for NJ Online Gambling Sites

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Aaron Goldstein
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75 Percent of Visa Credit Cards Not Working for NJ Online Gambling Sites

New Jersey online gambling companies are seeing around a 75% decline in credit cards, according to Matthew Katz of CEO of CAMS.

He recently spoke to Rebecca Liggero of CalvinAyre.com regarding the current climate in New Jersey when it comes to payment processing.

“I think the biggest challenge is just education, getting the bankers to understand how significant the technology and the processes all the regulators have in place to be compliant,” Katz said.

He also offered up another suggestion for operators to disclose those credit card issuing banks that do not permit online gambling transactions like Wells Fargo and Bank of America.

Check out the video below.

CEO Matthew Katz on Payment Processing in US Market Video

- Aaron Goldstein, Gambling911.com

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