American Airlines Opens Online Gambling Website? Guess Again!

Say it isn't so. American Airlines (and most airlines for that matter) have been cutting services, charging fees on extra bags, and simply cutting costs to the point where we gotta ask "What's next? Will we all be sitting on the floor when these airlines remove seats?". While in San Jose, Costa Rica last week we were left sitting on the tarmac for three hours because "someone lost the flight plan". In fairness, that wasn't American's fault from what we understand. But it just goes to highlight how horrible flying is these days. So have airlines resorted to starting their own online gambling websites?
Well, not so fast. is here to get to the bottom of this.
First off, no American Airlines is not running an online gambling website. But if one were to check out it might appear as otherwise.
Here's the skinny. The folks from BetFirstClass decided to throw an online sports book together prior to the upcoming football season in hopes of reeling in as many "suckers" as possible so they could make a quick buck. In order to do so, they shied away from actually spending any money on - say - graphics people and web designers.
Instead they got the nifty idea to pull up, not one, but two photos of an American Airlines jet, minus the airline's name. But the idea is subliminal. People see a familiar image of the American Airline aircraft and immediately think of a "positive familiar experience" and some individuals will be led to think that this bogus shop is linked to American.
Already there are people who are under the misconception that BetFirstClass is associated with SBG Global, a respected online gambling company located in Costa Rica. That's because the folks from BetFirstClass stole much of SBG's "about us" section of their website, forgetting to remove references to SBG Global. Talk about cutting costs. DOH!
Rest assured, if American Airlines were to get into the Internet gambling sector, we seriously doubt that would be linked to a website like the aforementioned company has put out.
Needless-to-say, we already know SBG Global is not very happy about this situation. We seriously doubt American Airlines will be all too thrilled either.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher