Annie Duke: Steve Wynn The Only Casino Owner Against Online Poker

Written by:
Ace King
Published on:
Steve Wynn

Poker pro and representative, Annie Duke, is in Washington, D.C. this week meeting with various Congressmen and women including Barbara Boxer and Jim McGovern from Massachussetts, who she calls "a friend of online poker".

One man who apparently is NOT a friend to the online poker industry is none other than Vegas casino maven, Steve Wynn.

Ms. Duke claims: "Steve Wynn keeps coming up as the only major casino owner still against online poker. Consider that when deciding where to gamble in Vegas."

Wynn believes that Internet gambling, including online poker, is very risky and may cause embarrassment to the land based casinos if it does not succeed. Harrah's seem to be of the opinion; if you can't beat the online casinos- join them!

Ace King, 

Gambling News

Group of Casino Operators Oppose State Regulated Casinos

The National Association Against iGaming (NAAiG) is made up of regional casino operators and resists “the expansion of iGaming and its well-reported economic and social dangers and urges other local businesses, employee unions and community groups to mobilize in their effort to protect local communities.”
