Australian Censor Celebrates Safer Internet Day 2009

Protect our kids. Protect our pets. Protect ourselves from ourselves. This may be the message that Australia is trying to convey in recent months as some in government attempt to block websites.
Now along comes Safer Internet Day 2009 in Australia. Guess who's behind the event?
If you guessed Senator Stephen Conroy, you got it right!
This is the same Senator Conroy who was behind the attempts to have websites blocked in Australia.
"The themes for Safer Internet Day 2009-safe social networking and the prevention of cyber-bullying-are particularly relevant given the popularity of services such as Facebook, MySpace, Habbo Hotel and Bebo among young people," the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy said.
Translation: "You're next on our priority list of sites to block Facebook."
"They are playing the ‘protect the kids" card, but we all know that governments and big business is about... business - money... and with the government - Control;" remarked Australia's media man, Greg Tingle. has been following developments in Australia on the "censorship" front as online gambling typically sits next on the food chain after the politicians rid the land down under of porn.
"Young people are highly engaged with the online world and it is important that they have the knowledge and experience needed to be responsible cyber-citizens," Conroy insists.
Safer Internet Day 2009 is being held tomorrow, February 10.
Alistair Prescott,