Balloon Boy Captures Bookies Attention

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balloon boy odds

By now, nearly everyone has heard about a young boy named Falcon who was supposedly trapped inside a giant saucer-like balloon that floated for hours in the Colorado sky. The young boy, it was discovered, was never actually in the balloon and instead hiding out in his parent's attic. His parents have already conducted countless interviews answering questions from journalists wondering if this was all just an elaborate ruse.
As with any good spectacle, the media will undoubtedly be following this story closely over the next few days looking for any new revelations. As such, analysts at have posted odds on what will most likely happen next, following the October 15th incident.  


 It will be proven a hoax  +300
 The parents will write a book 
 The parents will go to jail  +500
 The family will be offered a reality show  +240
 The father will be offered a job as a weather reporter   
 The family will be offered a balloon endorsement

"The story of a young child trapped inside of a balloon grabbed everyone's attention this past Thursday," said Mickey Richardson, Spokesperson for  "Now that the boy is safely reunited with his parents, all eyes are on the family wondering ‘whats going to happen now?' We've seen how other such events have played out in the past and thought it would be interesting to post lines on where this story might go."   

Additional odds can be found at

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