Betfair Comes To New Jersey: Wants Piece of Online Gambling Market

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C Costigan
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With New Jersey looking to legalize online gambling, including sports betting, powerful European-based companies are working on getting a piece of the pie. 

Betfair, the world’s leading betting exchange, has been meeting with officials in the state, has learned.  

New Jersey has filed a suit against the U.S. Government, with the lead plaintiff being The Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association ( The suit isiMEGA, et al, v, Eric Holder, US Attorney-General.

Other European betting firms seem to be sitting idle or have yet to make the proper contacts with the lead plaintiff, iMEGA.

The New Jersey Senate’s Wagering & Tourism Committee voted 3-to-1 to approve the Intra-State Internet Gambling Bill out of committee, setting the stage for a vote by the full Senate. Under the terms of the bill, casino operators in Atlantic City would be able to apply for a license to offer Internet-based versions of all the games currently permitted in their land-based operations. Poker, blackjack, baccarat and other games would be available online only to New Jersey residents that are 21 years of age or older.

“Though we’re not across the finish line yet, the committee vote is significant progress,” said iMEGA chairman Joe Brennan Jr. “We’ve gotten to this point by making this debate about more than taxes from gaming revenue, which is a bit one-note. Instead, we’ve made a significant case for job creation, capital investment, and the opportunity for New Jersey to become the national and global hub for this industry. And those numbers make this a compelling option for New Jersey legislators to consider.”

Christopher Costigan, Publisher

Gambling News

Group of Casino Operators Oppose State Regulated Casinos

The National Association Against iGaming (NAAiG) is made up of regional casino operators and resists “the expansion of iGaming and its well-reported economic and social dangers and urges other local businesses, employee unions and community groups to mobilize in their effort to protect local communities.”
