Bodog Gets Its Domain Back
After much chest thumping about how Bodog would never cave into so-called "Patent Trolls", the company has reportedly gotten its much coveted domain name back.
"The Morris Mohawk Gaming Group (MMGG) acquired many valuable domains - including - when it recently settled a patent case that had been ongoing in the United States. When asked why the MMGG stepped in, Mr. Alwyn Morris, Chief Executive for the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group noted "While the MMGG was not the judgment debtor, the defendant supplier hadn't been operational since 2007 and there was therefore simply no possibility of their satisfying the default judgment. We are the exclusive licensee of the ‘Bodog' brand within the region and so our business was impacted by anything that cast a shadow across the brand. We wanted to remove any residual uncertainty that this case had created, and we wanted to acquire the domains - it was a straightforward business decision." had predicted a while back that it was only a matter of time before Bodog would be forced to settle in this matter.
The damage is already done, however. Bodog Poker currently ranks as the 15th biggest online poker room, having once sat among the top 10 with a bullet. Bodog lost a significant chunk of their customer base as a result of players unable to find the new domain (BodogLife, which for a brief period of time was Bodog also lost all of its search rankings, though the company was able to gain some key rankings back over the past year.
The company was also hit hard by processing issues as well as a seizure of funds by the U.S. Government last year.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher