Clive Hawkswood Balks at Gov Request of Bookies

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The government has proposed the creation of a fund that would lead to bookmakers handing over millions of pounds to Sport England for reinvestment in grassroots sport as part of a new voluntary code, according to a report in the Guardian newspaper.

But Remote Gaming Association head Clive Hawkswood said the plan was ill conceived and put Sport England in "an untenable position with no prospect of success" by asking for a solution by the end of December. "If any sort of voluntary scheme is to work fairly and effectively then it needs the support of the wider industry and neither the online or offline sectors have been consulted as a group.

In a letter to representatives of the bookmaking industry and the major sports governing bodies, sports minister, Gerry Sutcliffe, attempted to heal the long-standing divisions between the two sides by suggesting that the voluntary fund would offer "an opportunity for all parties to show goodwill".

Sutcliffe wants bookies "to move relatively quickly to an agreement" with contribution figures in the letter suggested between £5m and £10m.

The Guardian points out that key decisions will have to be taken on the gambling industry before the end of the year as a panel is in the process of discussing the issue of integrity in sport.

German police recently revealed that 200 games across Europe had been influenced by criminal gangs.

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