Congressman Tierney Family Gambling Ties ‘Fair Play’

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Gilbert Horowitz
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Congressman Tierney Family Gambling Ties ‘Fair Play’

Massachusetts Republican candidate for Congress, Richard R. Tisei, has vowed that his opponent’s family ties to an offshore gambling operation will be brought up during upcoming debates. 

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Democrat John Tierney, who is running for re-election, insists he was unaware that his brother-in-law, Robert Eremian, ran an illegal bookmaking business from the Caribbean island nation of Antigua.  Tierney’s wife, Patrice, was charged with providing accounting services for the gambling operation and was sentenced to one month in prison and five months house arrest for tax evasion.

“I expect it will come up one way or another during the course of the debate,” said Tisei, who is looking to become the first openly gay Republican on Capital Hill in November. “There can’t be two sets of rules, one for John Tierney and one for everyone else. He doesn’t think that he should be questioned. It’s a typical example of the arrogance that people are so upset about in Washington, D.C., that he’s displaying.”

While Congressman Tierney has not been implicated in any wrongdoing, local media has published reports questioning how he could not have known about the nature of Eremian’s business, having visited his home in Antigua.

Matt Robison, campaign manager for Tierney, issued a statement saying the three candidates had agreed to ­“debates that would focus on the serious issues facing our communities and families, such as the economy, job creation, health care, and education.

“Is Richard Tisei now suggesting that he would rather debate family issues including those of his own family.  While Tisei continues using that strategy to duck questions on where he stands on issues, Congressman Tierney will be talking with voters about what he can do to make their lives and our community better,” Robison added.

- Gilbert Horowitz,

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