Daniel Negreanu Infection Watch

With poker pro Daniel Negreanu confessing to having flu-like symptoms, it's just a matter of time before others playing along side the Canadian poker pro come down with a similar illness. Negreanu, who made it to the final table of the World Series of Poker Europe last year and was vying for the title of "2009 World Series of Poker Player of the Year" after a successful stretch leading into the Main Event, was among the first eliminated.
Negreanu complained of symptoms that consisted of a pounding headache, runny nose, non stop sneezing, and a virus so potent that it was resisting all medications administered.
Gambling911.com has issued a public health advisory for those who come in contact with anyone that may have been playing along side Negreanu. For those poor souls, it's probably too late. They can expect flu-like symptoms over the next 48 hours. The World Series of Poker main event stretches into another 10 days.
All players should adhere to the following precautions:
- Use hand sanitizer at all times
- Get no less than 8 hours of sleep each night
- Avoid hot looking Asian women at the tables who may be carrying Daniel's germs.
- If you happen to stumble upon Brittany Bowman, run...don't walk.
- Take Airborne tablets every 4 hours.
- Pray
- Although the supplement bromelain may sound exotic, if you've tried pineapple before, you've tried bromelain. Take some!
- When exiting a bathroom with door handle, use hand sanitizer regardless of whether you washed your hands 8 times before exiting. Studies find a shockingly large percentage of people fail to wash their hands after using a public restroom. And every single one of them touches the door handle on the way out.
- Use your knuckle to rub your eyes. It's less likely to be contaminated with viruses than your fingertip.
- Run your toothbrush through the microwave on high for 10 seconds.
- Inhale air from your blow-dryer. It sounds nuts, we know. But one study conducted at Harvard Hospital in England found that people who breathed heated air had half the cold symptoms of people who inhaled air at room temperature. Set the dryer on warm, not hot, and hold it at least 18 inches from your face. Breathe in the air through your nose for as long as you can -- 20 minutes is best.
- This may sound crazy, but you may want to consider a surgical face mask when sitting at the tables.
Gambling911.com Staff