European Union to Probe Dutch Online Gambling Ban

The Netherlands has been fertile ground for hosting a series of affiliate conferences geared towards the online gambling community. But the Dutch Government over the past year has begun cracking down on the activity itself, taking a stance similar to that of the United States. Known for its tolerance of prostitution and pot, Holland wants to protect its own state run casino - the Holland Casino.
The European Union, expressing discord with America for its stance on Internet gambling, is beginning to realize they must first harness their own. Holland is a member of the European Union.
The EU has initiated an investigation into Dutch efforts to stop banks processing payments for online betting services, the Telegraaf reported on Friday.
'The European Commissioner has asked the appropriate services to start an investigation into the banking blockade,' a spokesman for commissioner Charlie McCreevy told the Telegraaf. 'As far as we are aware, the Netherlands is the only country in Europe to do such a thing.'
Holland's justice ministry ordered banks to stop accepting transactions for Internet gambling services or face potential legal action.
A survey in January said the Dutch are spending €450m a year on illegal internet gambling.
Yesterday, British online betting group Betfair said it was taking legal action against the Dutch ban on Internet gambling which it claims breaks single market rules.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher