Gambling Priest Caught on Camera, Suspended

What’s up with the state of Florida: Face eating cannibals, poker players kidnapping one another after losing a card game, Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, Koran burning nutjob “ministers” and now we have – drum roll please – a Hialeah priest doing – of all sinful acts – gambling!
That’s what Rev. Orlando Molina of Rincón de San Lázaro church is accused of anyway.
Video purports to show the priest engaged in a 13-hour slot machine excursion at the nearby Calder Casino and Race Course, Magic City Casino.
Michel Joseph Pugin, bishop of the U.S. Catholic Church, expressed outrage over the incident and Molina has since been placed on suspension.
“I am surprised. I almost had a heart attack,” Pugin said. “Priests cannot be involved in this type of situation, especially in gambling or any other activity that can bring scandal to the church.”
The video was sent to local Miami Univision 23 along with an anonymous letter.
Pugin noted that there is no evidence to show that the Nicaraguan-born holy man gambled church proceeds, however, this is still being investigated.
- Jagajeet Chiba,