Gambling Prober Quits Over Porn Scandal

Australia remains one of the world's hotbeds of political scandal, much to do with porn and other adult activities such as gambling. Yep, those Aussies love their vice, as evidences by digital footprints and porn probes a plenty. Yesterday a woman charged with heading up a porn and gambling probe quit, and more heads are expected to roll as the Labor party continues to cull dead wood, at cuts and overall wastes of space, all of which the Australian public ultimately pays for. Media Man and Gambling911 continue to dig up info on Aussie polies who just love their vice, be it porn, gambling or other "questionable material". Yep, we play 'Thought Police' and 'Big Brother' on the political brains who are supposed to be serving the Aussie public, but we give them a very good serving just to even the score...
Female Porn And Gambling Prober Quits Over Fallout; Media Pressures...
Down under in Australian political scandal is running wild, and some even compare it to 'Casino Jack', Bill Clinton and Eliot Spitzer magnitudes.
Readers will recall that last week Australian politics lost Paul 'Porn Laurette' (MM tag) McLeay. We also covered that former MP Ian McDonald has been seeing leaving gay sex clubs (paid for the Australian public), while he was supposed to be working - No Working Out or Making Out!!! and Rev Fred 'Nifty' Nile (Media Man tag) has also been skating on thin ice.
The Australian media was also not immune by porn scandal, with former ABC TV host Andy 'Mummy Media' (MM tag) Muirhead of get this... The Collectors, being found to be a collector and huge fan of kiddy porn!!! Even Rupert Murdoch's News Corporations' Aussie website portal, has been listed by some Australian government 'Big Brother' lists as being "porn". James Packer's Betfair sports and political betting website also made the Aussie internet filter "blacklist". Australia certainly has porn and other illegal, and would be illegal, material on its brain.
Hey, here's a joke just to keep things a bit light... Why is snooker like sex? Because if you don't sink the pink, you sink the brown lol.
Swinging back to business at hand and back on message, moving forward (thanks Julia Gillard), the Aussie parliamentary staffer who commissioned an unauthorised audit of internet use which forced the sudden and spectacular resignation of a minister just last week has now... wait for it...resigned!!!
Lisa 'Vagina Diaries' (Media Man tag) Vineburg, a HR exec in the New South Wales Department of Parliamentary Services, left her position after it came to light she had ordered the I.T department to trawl through the computers of all ministers and MPs, their staffers and all non-political employees in Macquarie Street. It's been reported in Australian press many times over the years that the human resources sector has some of the most seriously screwed up types of all, and this appears to be yet another example of that widespread belief.
Raw as naked data, which strongly suggested about 5 people had recorded an "usually high level of activity" or "hits" from adult or gaming websites, was subsequently leaked to the media, and the media (including us) subsequently had a field day, or actually, field week with it. Yeah, field week, with plenty of sneaks, and inside peeps, and yet more leaks, some into Tweets.
When quizzed by a journo about the report, the Minister for Ports and Waterways, Paul McLeay, resigned, and the Christian Democrats MP, the Reverend Fred 'Nifty' (MM tag) Nile, was forced to admit a staff member, David 'Dead Cunning' (MM tag) Copeland, looked up such websites for "research purposes" (hello Japanese whaling scientists out there in internet land).
Vineburg "took it upon herself to audit everyone in the building", a senior parliamentary leak said. Well, looks like she caught out a few who looked at pink bits, including herself.
The former HR probe Vineburg could not be contacted last night. Her relationship status is not known at this time, nor her preferred genre of movies, documentaries, magazine titles or gaming brands.
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Australian Casinos
Wrap Up...
Readers... er, punters, what's your view on online poker, online casinos, broadband, censorship, freedom of the press and politicians screwing up and doing the wrong thing?...Keep checking daily for updates. Don't forget to use Proxy if need be!
The Late News...
Australian Labor party tipped to expect more resignations from MP's doing the wrong thing. If you have a bet, please bet with your head, not over it, and for God's sake, have fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. They cover a dozen industry sectors including gaming and offer political commentary and analysis.