Gold Strike Casino in Tunica to pay Employees During Tunica Closure

The Gold Strike Casino has notified that all employees affected by the Tunica casino closures will be paid in full during what they hope will be a “temporary situation”.
The casino shut down is a result of flooding on the Mississippi River, which is threatening access roads to the properties. The Gold Strike Casino will be the last property to shut down Monday at 2 pm. MGM runs the property.
“We have a long standing history of being very proactive in helping (our) employees,” noted Mary Spain, who handles public relations for the property.
Caesar’s has also advised they will be paying all employees during the closure.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality has stated that the river reached flood stage in Tunica County Friday, however, the forecasted crest will not take place until May 12 at over 52 feet.
"This is a disaster as far as Tunica County is concerned," said Larry Liddell, public information director for Tunica County. "It also affects these state of Mississippi economically, we're the third largest gaming destination in the country."
$107.84 million was made during the month of May last year in gross revenues for the combined nine casinos along the Mississippi.
- Christopher Costigan, Publisher