Good Job Poker Nordica: CEO Responds to Complaint readers might recall we had one online poker operator recently threaten a lawsuit against us after we criticized his company's new policies regarding its showing certain "winning" players the door. Others, like, elect to ignore complaints against them or have some lackey respond offering up lame excuses.
With that said it is truly refreshing to see the CEO of Poker Nordica respond to a player complaint (that was resolved rather quickly after our initial report) without making the usual excuses.
CEO Mike Eloff of Poker Nordica acknowledged the problems that have existed for some time with the Merge Network, utilized by Poker Nordica. The reality is that most of these "skins" are part of larger online poker networks, some of which seem to be going in the wrong direction. In the case of Merge, a relatively new online poker network, they seem to be facing some of the same problems encountered by many start up companies industry wide.
The good news, according to Mr. Eloff, is that Merge believes they have the issue with payment processing "sorted out". applauds Poker Nordica for responding in a professional manner and addressing the very real issues that were presented on this website.
Message from the CEO of Poker Nordica
Hi there all, It is unfortunate that this News Article was only brought to my attention now, but I would like to clarify and clear things up from our side that we do not do the processing for all deposits and withdrawals from our side. This is left to the Merge Gaming Network and we are well aware of the problems that they have caused in the past regarding extremely late withdrawals. I have been in constant contact with the CEO of Merge Gaming to ensure that this problem gets sorted out as fast as possible for the obvious reason that they are giving our brand a really bad name in the industry. This has been a long battle with Merge Gaming to get them to sort it out and they have assured me that all has been sorted out and that as of this week, all withdrawal times are being reduced to the standard times. I would like to request that if any players experience further delays by the end of this week (19th of February 2010) that they are to contact with their concerns. Please ask to be directed to myself, Mike Eloff, and I will assist in getting your withdrawal sorted out and processed for you. I just want to clarify the last point of the news article that we need to re-evaluate our Customer Service Training. This is another service we have outsourced through the Merge Gaming Network and this is currently being worked on, but thank you for your valued feedback on this matter. Kind Regards, Mike Eloff CEO -