Head of Employment Agency Threatens to Report UB.com to Feds

An early morning raid on the Costa Rican offices of UB.com and Absolute Poker Friday appears to have stemmed from a feud between company officials and the head of an employment agency let go by UB.com earlier in the week. PokerStars, another poker company operating in Costa Rica, appears to have inadvertently gotten caught up in the mess.
UB.com announced its downsizing following an indictment handed down by the US Justice Department on April 15. PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, the later of which does not operate out of Costa Rica, was also named in the indictment. As part of this “restructuring”, UB.com revealed it would have to sever ties with the employment firm, IDS, run by Oman Rimola Castillo.
Costa Rican law requires that a set amount of severance be paid to employees following termination. An email exchange obtained by Gambling911.com reveals Rimola’s apprehension with UB.com’s potential unwillingness to pay.
Sources close to Gambling911.com suggest a more sordid tale.
“A (termination) memo was leaked to UB staff and they went to the (Costa Rican) police. And that is why the police raided PokerStars and UB. However, all of the employees are getting paid and they said that Olman Rimula is the one who kept the money and he is blaming Paul (Leggett) and scott (Tom).”
The source made reference to the CEO and founder of UB.com, respectively.
“Olman is a politician and the word around (here) is that he used the money to finance his career,” the source added.
Gambling911.com cannot independently verify that to be the case.
A local news station in Costa Rica has covered the feud and UB.com “restructuring” plan in recent days.
UB.com payment arrangements to US customers are currently being discussed with prosecutors involved in case against the online poker companies. PokerStars has already entered into such an arrangement and began processing payments last week.
A series of correspondence leading up to Friday morning’s raid can be read below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Olman Rímola Castillo [mailto: XXXXX]
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 10:37 AM
Subject: [allcr] [Fwd: Re: IDS employees liquidations]
Estimados compañeros:
Desde que el problema legal de AP/UB fue de mi conocimiento, he estado
tratando de lograr el pago de las prestaciones de todos los empleados de
IDS por parte de las compañías cuestionadas.
Como ustedes saben, esta operación la controlan varios extranjeros,
algunos de ellos ubicados en IDS y yo no tengo participación en la toma de
decisiones. Me limito a seguir instrucciones.
La semana pasada, como pueden ver en este correo, ejercí la presión máxima
para lograr el pago de sus prestaciones laborales, tal y como por derecho
les corresponde.
Ellos en ningún momento me han depositado el dinero de las prestaciones ni
los gastos de planilla de mayo. Yo los perseguiré con el fin de lograr
este objetivo, para lo cual acudiré a las autoridades de los Estados
Unidos y de Costa Rica según corresponda.
Es deseo de esta gente seguir con su cuestionada operación en otro lado y
dejarnos guindando. Al punto en que han liquidado y recontratado a los
empleados directos de Brent en Escazú y los de TBT.
También pueden leer en el email que les di tiempo hasta hoy a las 12 de la
noche para resolver esta situación. En caso de que insistan en su
incumplimiento, los invito a unirse a este movimiento que hoy encabezo
para lograr que se haga justicia. Y si tienen alguna prueba que aportar
que apoye la acusación que se está tramitando, por favor, háganmelo saber
conducirla a la embajada de los Estados Unidos. Sigo en contacto por esta
Lamento toda esta situación y le pido a Dios guía y consejo para poder
salir adelante.
Olman Rímola
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: IDS employees liquidations
From: Olman Rímola Castillo XXXXXXXX >
Date: Fri, April 29, 2011 11:28 am
To: "Paul Leggett" XXXXXXX
Paul, there is nothing to discuss here, that is the amount.
I know you will continue the operation elsewhere, make it easier for you.
Next Tuesday, I will close IDS; if you send the money the closing down
will be done without any problem. If you do not send the money I will
proceed as I mentioned before.
And if you try to misinform or slander me with my employees, I will
proceed too.
I am very serious this time.
Clock is ticking, don't waste your time...
Hi Olman,
I am shocked by the content of your email as it contradicts everything
that you said in the meeting earlier this week.
Can you please send me the detailed list of IDS liquidations so I can
discuss this with Stuart Gordon? Once I have met with Stuart, I would be
open to another meeting with you.
> Hi Paul,
> The company always has deposited IDS operational expenses.
> The liquidation for all IDS employees is USD$2,750,000.
> This amount has not been deposited yet into IDS bank account.
> If next Tuesday, May 3rd, this amount has not been deposited in IDS bank
> account, I will face all IDS employees and I will explain this
> situation.
> After that, I will go to the US Embassy and I will contact FBI agents,
> who
> are right now in Costa Rica, and I will reveal all the information I
> have
> of Absolute Poker and UltimateBet operations, including full detail of
> original shareholders, corporate structure, processing procedures, all
> related companies, lawyers, executives, bank statements, bank wires,
> emails and instructions I have received, etc.
> FBI will be more than glad in to grant me immunity exchanging this
> information.
> Just a reminder, if anything happens to me, or people close to me, I
> have
> prepared 3 sets of this information which are in hands of 3 different
> lawyers, with instructions to proceed with US Embassy and Costa Rican
> authorities.
> I feel sorry about ending our relationship like this way, but my IDS
> employees are first.
> Best regards,
> Olman Rímola