How Much Is That Hooker In The Window
We're booked for Amsterdam. Of course in an effort for to save money, they stuck Yours Truly on about four connecting flight from Miami to the Netherlands. Whatever! Hey, once I'm there it's going to be a blast.
By day - it will be all work. I'll be meeting up with Marc Lesnick, organizer of CAC2009 - CAC Amsterdam - probably shove my tongue down his throat - then head over to some coffee shop.
Okay, actually once I get to Amsterdam my head is hitting the pillow until the opening night festivities.
I've been keeping in touch with all my online gambling affiliate friends and many of us are planning on meeting up. That doesn't necessarily mean I'll be sleeping with you.
Speaking of which, part of the lure of Amsterdam are those prostitutes that hang out behind red lit windows. I got to thinking how I could make a little extra dough moonlighting (or in this case redlighting) for a night.
It's just a fantasy boys....or is it?
For any of you wondering, here is how much that girl in the window will be charging:
F&S (I won't tell you what that stands for since this is a family website) will cost you €50 for a 15 to 20 minute session. Typically I allow for the 20 minutes....err....I mean, the girls will still charge about €50 for 20 minutes.
IF I were one of these girls I'd be thinking about upselling...and here is how that would work. I would work you slow and succulently but not in such a way that would have you spent before the 15 minutes is up (or 20 minutes). Want to go further, I'll get you even more worked up with my Peter Criss like tongue (some call me Long Tongue). Once we're on 21 minutes, my meter starts running. I'll charge $50 automatically, which allows you to get an additional 15 minutes. A one hour session (I start moaning after 41 minutes) will cost only €150.
If you want anything unusual, we can discuss that upfront.
Oops...I meant to say, the girls can discuss upfront with you gutter-thinking gents.
Incidentally, the hottest girls will typically end up with the most loot by the end of the night. Ahem...I suppose if I were one of the women behind those red lit windows, I'd be making a killing.
In the end though it's simply not worth my time. Sex is an easy sell and I might be open to having it, however, there is a catch for these girls (and the catch I'm talking about ain't Marc Lesnick's circumcised winky). The hookers of Amsterdam must rent these rooms for about €100-150 for an 8-hour block.
No thank you! $50 to make me holler then I gotta pay some schmuck $150 for the rent? I can barely afford my rent here in Miami Beach for the month.
There you have it. I'll be staying in room 334 of the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel.
Jenny Woo, Senior International Correspondent