Las Vegas Hotels Bed Bugs: Who’s Got Them?

Heading to Las Vegas and looking to stay at a bed bug free hotel? There is a site that actually monitors Las Vegas hotel bed bugs activity, although it’s difficult to determine the accuracy of some commenting.
The Bed Bug Registry provides information on the latest sightings. The problem is that people can post anonymously, which opens the door for a great deal of opportunists (not to mention jealous competitors and angry ex-employees). One of the more interesting aspects of this website is that people actually take the time to report they did not have any bed bug issues during their stay.
The Excalibur on the Vegas Strip appeared to be a bed bug haven if we are to believe all the reports featured on the Registry.
My family and I were staying at Excalibur the week of our son,s wedding. We had 6 big bags of luggage, car seat , large stroller, wedding gifts and all the artificial flowers for the wedding.
We checked the room upon arrival to make sure there were not bedbugs. We saw nothing and assumed it was okay. In the morning we awoke to find bugs in the bed, at that time we didn't see bites. We read after that it sometimes takes days before the bites show. My grandaughter and I had been bitten and the marks appeared later.
The hotel moved us to another tower and assured us this wasn't a common occurence. Well it ruined the week that was supposed to be so special. We found this very upsetting and disgusting and had a hard time to relax and enjoy the wedding and the rest of the stay. On the way home we stopped at a laundromat and washed everything, then froze all of our souvenirs and other items that couldn't be washed. We also had to scrub the carseat and stroller with bleach to make sure the were no eggs on them. Some people say we overreacted but this changed our lives. I couldn't sleep for about three months and my daughter avoids traveling because she doesn't want to stay in hotels.
Another visitor wrote:
We checked in on nov 6th 2010 and after staying there one night my g/f woke up with bites all over her arms and chest. We weren't able to find any bugs in the bed, but the problem persisted until we left after 2 nights. Probably should have reported it to the hotel, but didn't think to do that right away as we weren't sure what the problem was. From the sounds of it, it wouldn't have mattered though.
And then this…
In the first week of September we had to get moved from our room in Tower 2, to a room in Tower 1 due to an unruly guest trying to get in our room. Unfortunately, the second room was infested with Bedbugs. I had the same experience that another guest had when they reported the infestation to management, "they couldn't care less."
The Excalibur was actually prompted to reply to these complaints and, to be fair, most of the complaints appearing on the Registry were posted prior to this year.
From Excalibur: Despite the national resurgence of this issue noted by the Center for Disease Control, the incidence of bedbugs in our Company hotels is rare and uncommon. Excalibur takes the utmost precautions in both prevention and detection. Our professional housekeeping staff is trained to identify bedbugs, and hotel staff performs routine mattress checks in each and every guest room. The hotel also works closely with a third-party inspection and eradication expert in the rare event there is an actual occurrence.
Contrary to what many might think, these pests do not occur as result of a hotel sanitation issue, but are carried in to the hotels by the many visitors to Las Vegas from all parts of the world. This problem is not confined to hotels and can affect literally every accommodation that people inhabit, from houses to apartments to hotels.
Hotel guests are advised to report any suspicion of bedbugs immediately to the Front Desk or Security, and the matter is always promptly addressed.
The number of bed bug complaints involving Planet Hollywood seemed to hit an “epidemic” peak back in the Fall of this past year, again, if we are to believe these reports are accurate.
Jones66 on 11/10/2010
Stayed at PH Westgate Towers, room 2405 from Oct 31-Nov 2. Came home with two welts on my leg, what appeared to be rather vicious bites, recieved one more while at home. Another friend who was staying also came home with several bites. Now apparently have to disinfect my house. Contacted the hotel days ago, no one has called me back. Do not stay at this hotel, they are unresponsive if you do experience a problem.
Pissed Off on 11/09/2010
I was staying at Planet Hollywood for a Bachelor Party the second week of September, and while at the location I noticed Bed Bugs in my hotel rooms. I notified the front desk and they brought out their Management to try and misguide me about the seriousness of the issue. The final straw was that my friend who was also a guest, pulled back their bed sheets and noticed the same bed bugs. I don't think it was an isolated incident with this hotel and their management team is very rude in dealing with a hotel wide problem.
Noteasybeingreen on 10/12/2010
Checked in on Friday October 9th. Into room 3420 Noticed red bumps the size of dimes and one oval one the size of a quarter on Saturday morning. More on sunday and Woke up Tuesday covered with bites on wrists arms lower back,back and buttocks. Called security; the hotel has been unable or willing to help, and unwilling to clean my clothes-which is the only thing I have asked for after paying for the room entirely out of pocket. they also won't check the room I was initially in as it is occupied. I have documented the entire situation will be seeing a physician and will report back to this page with the findings and planet hollywood's response. However I strongly advise anyone thinking of coming here to chose another cleaner hotel.
Maybe it’s the Vegas weather in November, but that seemed to be a heightened period for these feisty little creatures. The MGM Grand was no stranger to the surge in bed bug reports.
Anonymous on 11/04/2010
I stayed in the main tower, MGM Grand, October 21-24. I noticed small bites and itching on day two. By the end of the stay, I had several bites on my legs that itched significantly. The bites and itching lingered for about 10 days. I have never experienced this before. I did not see any bugs, just felt their effects.
Anonymous on 11/04/2010
found live bed bug today in room 4215. The staff responded immediately, but this hotel is, frankly, a dump. The room appeared to be clean, but after closer inspection, the carpet is dirty, and the hotel sports a perfume-like smell. They took my clothes for cleaning and reassigned me to a newly renovated room...we'll see.
Winner for the most recent bed bug reports might be Caesar’s Palace
Anonymous on 03/25/2011
December 30 , 2010 , I was bitten on the head by bed bug and gf also bitten , they moved me to a suite and she left town...
Anonymous on 03/10/2011
Stayed at Caesars in 2009. Brought bed bugs home with me that costs thousands for me to rid my home of. Tossed furniture and had to have my home sprayed for a year plus. Terrible!
Anonymous on 02/12/2011
Bed bug bites. Stayed in Palace Tower February 6- February 11 Palace Tower Room 1211. So gross bites all over back and neck
Anonymous on 02/06/2011
From January 31 to February 4, we stayed in Forum Tower. Room 5310. My husband noticed bug bites over his arms, neck and legs. I wish that we had known about this registry before this stay.
Anonymous on 01/27/2011
Stayed in Palace Tower Room 2142 Jan 21-23, 2011. Bed on left (closer to bathroom) suspected bed bugs - several bites on back and side.
Anonymous on 01/26/2011
stayed in palace tower december 26 room on 18th floor and discovered bedbugs immediately.always check before you unpack!We were relocated to another floor---no apology nothing!
Anonymous on 01/24/2011
Stayed in Palace Tower Room 477 1/17 - 1/19. Bed bugs showed up in my house 2 days later.
Of course you can always stay off The Strip. But that won’t always do the trick.
The Travel Lodge Las Vegas South:
Great value if you like bedbugs. When I alerted the front desk about that, the reaction was "oh, we should call a specialist".
- Jagajeet Chiba,