Morningside Recovery Center: Stop Watching Woo and Put Away Sock Puppet!

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Morningside Recovery Center: Stop Watching Woo and Put Away Sock Puppet!

Morningside Recovery Center, the national renowned rehab center that Gambling 911 revealed treated Poker pro Erick Lindgren to overcome his gambling addiction with a specified program for him allowing him to stay in control of the gambling which he does for a living has recently completed a survey which makes us think too many out there are thinking about resident MILF Jenny Woo (pictured). Jenny recently did a piece on Nomophobia with Morningside.

Morningside Recovery Center recently issued a press release about “Excessive Masturbation: Do you have a Hand up on the Average American?” 1,100 Americans aged 21-35 were surveyed and findings revealed that over 20% of participants suffer from an addiction to excessive masturbation (masturbating more than 3 times per day.) Who determines how much is too much?

Other findings:

  • 79.6% masturbate 0-2 times per day; 15.2% 3-5 times a day; 3.8% 6-10 times; and only 1.4% masturbate more than 10 times a day
  • 48% believe that their masturbation frequency is below average; 45.4% said frequency is average; and 6% believe that their masturbation frequency is above average
  • 45.4% either agreed that masturbating can cause problems in their relationships; while 29.3% neither agreed or disagreed and the rest of the participants disagreed
  • 18.3% are either extremely or very ashamed of their masturbating habits; 23.8% are either slightly or somewhat ashamed and the 57.8% are not ashamed at all

Nearly half of the polled participants express some degree of shame over masturbating ranging from extreme shame to slight shame.

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Dr. Elizabeth Waterman said “I think the most interesting part of the survey is that 20.4% of respondents masturbate 3 or more times per day. That’s a high number of respondents, and that amount of masturbation could cause serious problems in a relationship, especially if it interferes with either person’s ability to experience pleasure with a partner.

Visit the Morningside Recovery here

- Jagajeet Chiba,

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