Nevada Online Poker Bill Unanimously Approved

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C Costigan
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Nevada Online Poker Bill

Nevada’s online poker bill (AB258) unanimously approved by the state assembly Thursday, but with one important caveat…. There can be no implementation until federal legislation is passed.  AB258 was introduced in March, prior to the indictment of, the Internet poker firm that initially backed the bill. 

AB258 revises provisions governing the licensing and operation of interactive gaming.  It must now go through the state Senate, where it is also expected to pass.

The Nevada bill provides for residents of states that elect to opt-in the ability to play poker online with a regulated US-based company.  Taxes would be collected at the state level. 

The stripped down bill calls for the Nevada Gaming Commission to develop regulations that would be in effect by January 2012 and work in conjunction with federal legislation.  It also stipulates that online sites would need to have a partnership with an existing non-restricted gambling license holder or an affiliate that has been in business for at least five years.

“Certainly no one in Congress would oppose allowing states greater freedom to explore economic development on their own terms,” argued David G. Schwartz of the Las Vegas Business Press.  “Find me a politician who wouldn't like to simultaneously pass the buck and create some jobs.”

Meanwhile, California Senator Lou Correa has amended his California bill SB40 in an effort to legalize online poker in the state before federal legislation is passed.

Correa says:  “with federal action looming and the market wide open, we have to quickly authorise online poker in California”, adding that “to delay will mean the loss of more than $1.4 billion in new state revenue at a time when it is severely needed”.

- Christopher Costigan, Publisher

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