No Twitter at the World Series of Poker Tables

The World Series of Poker has enacted new stricter "sportsmanship" rules whereby players will not be able to verbally abuse an opponent. Last year, as an example, Phil Hellmuth called his opponent an "idiot" and "the worst player in history" after losing a rather large pot.
But an interesting rule that truly stands out at this year's WSOP will be the banning of Twitter usage. The use of Twitter has become a popular form of keeping fans in the loop on an interactive basis. Several poker pros - most notably Doyle Brunson, Annie Duke, David Williams and Vanessa Rousso - utilize Twitter almost on a daily basis.
It was not immediately known as to why organizers would halt the use of Twitter at the tables.
Last year the World Series of Poker instituted a number of controversial new rules.
The use of cell phones was restricted to the extent that "all cell phones and other voice-enabled and 'ringing' electronic devices must be silenced during tournament play. A player who wants to use a cell phone must be at least one table length away from their assigned table or be subject to penalty." In addition, cell phones or other "electronic communication devices" can not be placed on the poker table. Players in violation of this rule will receive a missed hand penalty on the next hand.
Also, according to Rule No. 88, "players are allowed to use approved electronic devices (iPods, MP3 and other music players or noise reduction headsets during tournament play until they have reached the money in any tournament, so long as the approved electronic devices can not access the Internet, send or receive SMS text and are not equipped with any type of communication device." This rule eliminated the use of iPhones, iTouch, Treos, Blackberrys and other similar devices.
The World Series of Poker Main Event kicks of July 3.
Ace King,