STEP ONE: Find a desperate sucker.
STEP TWO: Woo the sucker with a promise of being saved by a white knight.
STEP THREE: Sucker has run on the bank and becomes all the more desperate. Has never slow paid anyone up to this point but his small operation cannot handle the run without securing more finances, which means SLOW PAY and DEVALUED BRAND.
STEP FOUR: Come on strong....Get the deal done because we know's Sting has just gotten back from his week long vacation in Puerto Rico and is about caught up with his work and we know he will lure other books to come in and grab Gamblers Avenue before we do from his good pal Mike. FAST! Let's get this deal done.
STEP FIVE: Done Deal. Let's send out a press release and all initial making sure that everyone knows about the our new ACQUISITION:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:43 PM
To:; 'Mike Silver'
Subject: FW: I want this to be strong - REVISED
-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Castiglioni []
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 5:31 PM
To: ***
Subject: RE: I want this to be strong
-----Original Message-----
From: ***
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:23 PM
To: Roberto Castiglioni
Subject: FW: I want this to be strong
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Silver []
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 5:19 PM
To: ***
Subject: FW: I want this to be strong
Royal Sports Purchases Gamblers Avenue
Christopher Costigan,
Costa Rica based Gamblers Avenue announced a few moments ago the purchase of their company by Royal Sports out of Curacao. Since last week, owner Mike Silver had been in negotiations with Grande to buy the book, however, unfounded rumors of financial turmoil began appearing all over the internet during the past two days and Royal decided to enter the negotiations as well.
We were all set to enter a deal with Grande but recent events brought Royal Sports into the equation and in the end they brought more to the table," explained Mike Silver, Gamblers Avenue President.
Over the last year and a half Gamblers Avenue had developed a fairly lucrative customer base through its website and print advertising campaigns in addition to its "bailout" program, whereby they had assisted dozens of players stiffed by other sports books.
"It saddens me to see what has transpired on these posting forums over the last couple of days," said Silver. "Anyone who has ever had any dealings with either myself or Freddy (customer service) know that we are straight up people but at the same time I understand players apprehension after witnessing all these other books that went under. Let's face it, we bailed out a lot of these same players so you are talking about guys already on edge to begin with. The part I just don't get is the underlying vindictiveness that started these rumors, which sorry to say makes my stomach turn."
Silver's business plan was to develop a strong client base while maintaining balanced action.
My partners and I had no intention of turning a profit the first two years. We wanted to build a strong brand and create a solid customer base in order that Gamblers Avenue would have tremendous dollar value down the road."
But with his company's growth, Silver did not feel he could devote the amount of attention to Gamblers Avenue necessary while working in other businesses so he decided now was a good time to sell.
In regard to recent rumors of Gamblers Avenue's financial problems, Silver simply scoffed at the idea.
"We've always had money to pay players and a fairly attractive business model to boot, otherwise we wouldn't entertaining a bidding war to buy us out," said Silver. "There were a few unfounded rumors over the past couple of days which caused a run on the bank but I suppose without these rumors, Royal would never have come to the table, so this was all for the best."
As part of the deal, Royal will assume all Gamblers Avenue accounts with a rollover requirement.
According to Managing Director Roberto Castiglioni " ;Royal Sports has gone through extraordinary changes this past summer and has since then been growing at a robust pace. With the launch of in October and today's acquisition of Gamblers Avenue, Royal is progressing through the first step of its business plan and will be offering the market a wider selection of products." Castiglioni went on to state ."it is Royals intention to recapture the prestige of being a true industry and a dominant player in the market."
Alistair Assheton, Chairman of Curacao Internet Gaming Association, confirmed Royal Sports solvency with two weeks ago.
Gamblers Avenue sold for an undisclosed amount of money.
STEP SIX: Initial approval of contract and send to Gamblers Avenue Mike Silver. (contract email originating from *** of Royal Sports to be forwarded to those who want it on request beginning Tuesday November 11)
-----Original Message-----
From: ***
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 10:04 PM
To: 'Mike Silver'
Subject: Agreement
See attached.
STEP SEVEN: Uh Oh Guys, let's not forget to add a "rollover requirement" even though it is not part of the original contract. Of course, how silly of us to forget something like that. Silly us!
STEP EIGHT: Gulp. Mike Silver crucifiction begins. We look like saviors. Let's take this slow.
STEP NINE: Where is Roberto, our fearless CEO who has no control over the decision making while we have no control over him and his bizarre PR blitz.
STEP TEN: We are being pressured to remove a rollover requirement that does NOT appear in the contract by that pesky Sting from What is HIS problem, the scumbag! Moeder Fucker!
STEP ELEVEN: Let's work with him on removing the rollover requirement. Roberto, let Sting know you have the power to only screw the players with a 3x rollover and NOT a 5x rollover.
Subj: RE: Rollover Requirement
Date: 11/6/2003 8:55:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Here's what I can do for you, and you can take full merit for it. "After long discussions with Royal you have obtained to lower the required rollover from 5 to 3 times . You do convene and understand that a 3x rollover in the minum the buyer is requiring in order to stabilize the brand".
So get credits and I avoid having to pump out 150K next Monday.
Let me know what you think.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:50 PM
To: Roberto Castiglioni
Subject: Re: Rollover Requirement
Yes if you are pointing out the Gamblers Avenue representation on until that time and possibly beyond I have no problem with that. We gotta get this rollover requirement eliminated asap. Thanks.
STEP TWELVE: The Bastard STILL thinks that is stealing and holding players money hostage, let's ignore him for now and develop a strategy.
STEP THIRTEEN: Let's orchestrate a campaign to discredit Sting,'s owner, who is already beloved by everyone on the posting forums. Uhhh well, okay he is seen as something between Satan and ...uhh...well.....SATAN on these forums and everyone hates him already but let's give it a try.
STEP FOURTEEN: Okay it seems to be working....There is not much being said on this weekend. Let's make sure Mike Silver signs the contract first then when it is returned we change things around, add the rollover requirement, then sign it (ahhh yeah That's the ticket!).
STEP FIFTEEN: Why is Mike Silver not signing the contract? Okay think fast, is suggesting all talks have been called off!
STEP SIXTEEN: We MUST discredit STING NOW. WE MUST DO THIS NOW!!!!! MAY DAY!!!! MAY DAY!!!!! He is good friends with Mike Silver and has admitted this from day one, in fact there is every indication that Mike Silver acts as head of photography for the Sting affiliated CTN Magazine. STING MUST have ownership in Gamblers Avenue! Let us start this rumor. We must act fast.
STEP SEVENTEEN: SOS This pirate ship is sinking fast! Nobody wants to sign the contract any more. Abandon ship, Abandon Ship.
STEP EIGHTEEN: Throw Roberto, our fearless CEO, overboard and in for damage control but make sure he has his story straight.
STEP NINETEEN: Roberto Damage Control in Action: "There is only one company doing business as Royal Sports, and that is Curaworld N.V. . On this we all agree, at least I hope.
We had a copy of another contract that we have adapted on the fly to draft the contract for GA.
Even in the draft posted on G911 there are a lot of details missing. The contract was never finalized thus the original never drafted. The name of the Company, Curaworld N.V. would have been for sure inserted.
My mistake, I admit. I am getting old and when I work 15-16 hours a day I make mistakes. My sincerest apologies.
STEP TWENTY: Oooops Roberto, you are not THAT old to be using age as an excuse....You should have checked the various registrations before issuing a reply.
Kaya W. Mensing 27
Curaçao, Curaçao 00000
Registrar: DOTSTER
Created on: 04-JUN-01
Expires on: 04-JUN-04
Last Updated on: 05-NOV-03
Administrative, Technical Contact:
Kaya W. Mensing 27
Curaçao, Curaçao 00000