SBGGlobal Fights Back Against April 1 Worm

Yesterday, many companies around the world sought to be proactive against the effects of the April 1 that was much publicized.
SBGGlobal issued the following press release regarding the April 1 worm.
As you may have been informed in the last couple of days, there has been news that a virus will be propagating itself and is scheduled to be activated yesterday, April, 1st. Due to this, our services have been slightly affected, but our call center and back-up websites can be easily accessed. Our hosting company is currently in the process of deploying sophisticated counter measures to catch these individuals and resolve any issues that arise from slow download times.
We would like to inform our clients that we also have a back up site ( for situations like these that you may visit to view lines, safely place wagers, make financial transactions or view account information. Also, feel free to call us toll free at 1-888-238-3279 for any questions or concerns you might have or to place a wager.
We apologize for the inconvenience... we should have the site back running as normal by this afternoon.
Anywhere from two to 12 million computers may be infected with the original version of conficker.
Security experts say today, the infected computers were programmed to 'phone home”.
When it receives those instructions on April 1 it will either update itself and go back to sleep or potentially go through and infect computers, networks, and everything else that it can touch.
It is a game of cat and mouse, rogue programmers trying to infect computers and security experts working to detect the virus.
Security experts say the best protection is to install the most current patches and use anti-virus software.
It will take time for experts to know if the virus caused any widespread damage.
But for now, security experts are searching for other computer worms that, unlike the conficker, could show up unannounced.
Microsoft is offering a quarter-million dollar reward for information leading to the capture of the hackers.